
View our most recent meeting minutes

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JANUARY 16, 2024


The meeting began with the recitation of the Christ Child prayer by the members.

Angel’s Closet

Molly Kelley reported that 80 coats were taken to St. James.  In North Allegheny the students had decorated a Christmas tree with donated hats, gloves and scarves which they then gave to our Angel’s Closet.


Judy Kern sent an e-mail to members indicating that she needs information for the newsletter by Friday.  She will then send a draft to members for their review.


Charlotte Collins reported that 110 layettes have been delivered.  She would like to do a packing in February.  She needs crocheted blankets.

Diaper Drive

Carolyn Green reported that she spent approximately $369.00 on diapers, sizes 2-5.  She will be taking diapers to Genesis and will also donate them to St. James.


No report from Patti Smith.

Backpacks for Hunger

Gerri Orr reported that Fox Chapel is asking for monetary donations.  Janet Mascaro suggested that we could pick one place to support monetarily and have it as a ministry.  Gerri suggested taking $1,000 from Backpacks for Hunger and donating $500 each to the Fox Chapel Backpacks for Hunger and to Blessings in a Backpack.

Maria Kitay noted that she brings chips and other snacks to Shaler Area School District for the backpacks.

Mary Ann Gonot reported that some of the members assisted the Charlie Batch Foundation in packing gifts for needy children in December.  They packed for two hours.  Four hundred families were provided for.  Mary Ann is hoping to schedule a date in September to assist with backpacks for school children.


Janet Mascaro is the contact for the website.  Maria Kitay will also be a contact.



Janet Mascaro and Ellen O’Brien are the current site administrators. As Publicity Chairperson, Maria Kitay can also be put on as an administrator.

There was discussion regarding the Christ Child brochure. It needs updating.  We would like this to be done soon as we want to have the brochures available at the Red Wagon lunch.  Maria Kitay and Janet Mascaro will work on updating and Judy Kern has offered help with formatting if necessary.

Red Wagon

We will be sending out Save the Date cards in early February.

Menus from the Field Club were reviewed.  The members chose a Julienne Apple salad and Lemon Chiffon cake for dessert.  The main dish has not yet been decided as Janet is going to question the Field Club about the choices available. Meals cost between $37 and $40.

Chris McCarthy and Jean Lombardi will handle registration.

Contributions will be solicited from members for wine, door prizes, gift baskets, gift cards, and purses.  The details of who to contact will be sent in the upcoming newsletter.

Instead of the traditional Basket of Cheer, we will have a “surprise” wine raffle this year. Details to follow.

If donating door prizes, they should range in price from $15 to $20.  Gerri Orr and Suzette Venturini will oversee door prizes.

Mary Ann Gonot and Pam Diulus will take charge of the purse raffle.

Pam will send a special letter to sustaining members for donations.

Janet Mascaro will send an email to all members with a copy of a letter created by Theresa Magnotta that they can use to solicit donations from friends, relatives, businesses, etc. to get items for baskets and/or the silent auction.

Our table cover colors this year will be lavender, blue and pink.


Respectfully submitted,

Suzette Venturini

Recording Secretary








            The meeting began with recitation of the Christ Child prayer.

Janet Mascaro, Advisor to the President, discussed clearances.  If you are in contact with children, the Pittsburgh Diocese requires clearances.  She has information about clearances and can e-mail that to all members.  She noted that parishes have updated their records with regard to clearances so that if you contact your parish, they will be able to tell you if your clearances are up to date.

Janet has e-mailed minutes from the last meeting to all members.

Treasurer’s Report

            The Statement of Deposits and Disbursements was given to all members.  The November 2023 beginning balance was $24,677.52.  Total disbursements for the month of November 2023 were $1,621.14.  Total deposits were $467.00, leaving an ending balance of $23,523.38.

Layette Report

            Charlotte Collins reported that 10 layettes were given to Birthright.  She has ordered drawstring backpacks to see if they can be used for the layettes.  She will check into monograms for the bags.

Charlotte also reported that she sent a Mass card to Mary Jane Diamantopulos’ sister on the death of Mary Jane. 

Flowers were sent to the funeral home on the death of Marian Flowers.

Angel’s Closet

Molly Kelley reported that 108 coats have been distributed to date. 

Backpacks for Hunger

            Gerri Orr had nothing to report, however, she noted that we donate to Blessings in a Backpack.

Pam Diulus suggested bringing presents to the Christmas Party, for the needy children in her classroom.  Janet Mascaro suggested that this could be our new ministry.  The Angel Tree would give us sizes and ages.  We could donate to the Angel Tree for Pam’s class and for Conroy.  That would be 30 children at $50 or $60 each.  We could bring extra items for girls and boys to put in stockings.  We could put notes about this in the invitations for the Christmas Party. 

Maria Kitay noted that she was in touch with Jennifer Antkowiak about joining us for the Christmas Party.

Judy Kern reported that the newsletter will be coming out in December after the Christmas Party.  Information is due to her by December 15. 

It was noted that Mary Jo Kelly’s birthday is November 30, 2023.  She will be 90 years old.  She would appreciate receiving birthday greetings.

Red Wagon

            Chris McCarthy’s sister, Lynn Swanson, will sponsor us.  Janet Mascaro noted that it would cost $750 for a room at Riverside in Oakmont.  Veltri’s was also contacted.  The buffet would cost $200 and there would be a charge of $20.00 for each bartender.  Janet passed out menus for the Field Club.  Discussion ensued regarding baskets and having bingo.  Regarding bingo, prizes would have to be published ahead of time.  We need chairpersons for the Red Wagon.  We will have to pay a fee at the Field Club.

Diaper Drive

            Carolyn Green has contacted several places.  St. James responded that they are in need of larger sizes.  Genesis in Bellevue needs sizes 3, 4, 5, and 6.  She is waiting to hear from two other groups.  These four organizations come for coats and layettes, so we can connect with them for diapers.  There was a discussion of diaper prices.  Costco has the best prices.  Question posed:  where are we going to get the funds?

The next meeting date was set for January 15, 2024, at 11:00 a.m.

The meeting concluded with requests for prayers for several individuals and families.

Respectfully submitted,

Suzette Venturini

Recording Secretary






October 12, 2023


The meeting was attended by Janet Mascaro, Carolyn Green, Maria Kitay, Jane Orringer, Phyllis Palombo, Mary Ann Gonot, Theresa Magnotta, Charlotte Collins, Molly Kelley, Judy Kern, Gerrie Orr, Suzette Venturini and Ellen O’Brien. The meeting began with the recitation of the Christ Child prayer.

Suzette Venturini ran the meeting, and the minutes were recorded by Janet Mascaro.

Minutes from the September meeting were not read but were published in the September newsletter.

Treasurer’s Report– The Treasurer’s report in the form of the checkbook ledger was available for the months of June, August and September. The 2023-24 budget was again provided and the income-expense report for the fiscal year 7/22 -6/23.  Copies were passed out to the attending members.

Angels’ Closet– Angels’ closet distribution began on 10/7. Out of 32 requests, 27 coats were distributed.  Five members helped. Gerrie Orr and her mother knitted scarves which were given with the coats. The next distribution will be on October 14th and 40 children are scheduled to be fitted. No social workers accompanied the children except Sister Janice Vanderneck from Casa San Jose, an organization that services immigrants and refugees. 

Newsletter/Directory– Judy Kern discussed that she does not want to miss the names of donors to publish in the newsletter.  A miscommunication occurred regarding a large donation given to CCS at the time of Red Wagon.  It was stressed that if anyone receives a donation, the information must be given to the treasurer so it can be passed on to Judy.  It was also reiterated that donations given during the Christmas appeal or Red Wagon will be published in the newsletter if above a certain amount (which needs to be set).  The next newsletter will be published at the end of December.

Layettes– Charlotte Collins delivered 10 layettes to Regina Renaldi of Birthright. Regina indicated they would like to have boxes of diapers as they also make bags to distribute. Charlotte has been looking into drawstring backpacks to use after our current supply of plastic bags is depleted. The printing company needs a jpeg copy of the emblem which Judy Kern will send to her. The cost for the backpacks would be $2.65 each and the emblems would be an additional $.55 each.

Membership– It was reiterated that we have 27 active members and 11 sustaining members.  Any address changes should be sent to Patti Smith ASAP.  This information was published in the September newsletter.

National- No new information to provide.  No members attended the national conference in September.

Publicity– Maria Kitay has agreed to be the chairperson in training for publicity for bulletins, newspapers, magazine articles, etc.

New projects-

Diaper Drive– Carolyn Green will be contacting the social service organizations with whom we work for layettes and coats.  We will provide diapers at their requests.

Blessings in a Backpack– Financial support has been tabled for now.  However, Carolyn Green and Janet Mascaro are going to touch base with Debbie McCarthy to see if she needs more packing groups.

Blankets– Ellen O’Brien emailed Children’s Hospital but has received no response. We also discussed that Joyce Orr’s original mission was for children receiving cancer treatment or other life saving treatments so Ellen will contact Hillman Cancer Center.

Wrapping Presents– Mary Ann Gonot has been in touch with the Best of the Batch Foundation regarding wrapping children’s Christmas presents during the month of December.  20-25 people are needed for 2 hour shifts.  Mary Ann will get dates and send them to membership. This service is in Munhall.  Carolyn is also getting dates for wrapping presents for the Police Athletic Association’s toy drive at the Monroeville Mall.

Clearances– Ellen brought up the requirement of most parishes that all volunteers need clearances.  Janet addressed this issue and said that legally, clearances are not needed unless a person is working directly with children without their parents present or supervising children in some way. However, members are beginning to feel that since parishes have this requirement no matter what the volunteer capacity is, our members should probably have them.  Clearances must be renewed every 5 years.  Also, the class for “Protecting God’s Children” may have to be renewed every 3 years.  Janet Mascaro will research the information and will publish it in the next newsletter.  The class and clearances can be done on-line and are free to volunteers.

Red Wagon– A general discussion about Red Wagon for next year was held. The Red Wagon Budget was reviewed and there were questions about how donations are

included. For example, should the donation earmarked for layettes and coats which was given at Red Wagon be separated from the Red Wagon profits?

Ticket pricing was discussed, and the members voted that prices should be raised to $50.00.

Carolyn Green and Janet Mascaro are going to co-chair Red Wagon for 2024.

Other formats for Red Wagon were discussed and will be researched because of dwindling membership, expenses, and lack of members to chair certain committees.  We will have a more in-depth discussion at the next meeting.

Social Protocols– Our club protocols for providing memorials, gifts, etc. may need to be revised.  Janet Mascaro will send them out to all members via email to review and discuss at the next meeting.  Charlotte Collins will send a Mass card to Mary Jane Diamantopolis’ sister in her memory. Ellen will provide the address.

Agenda for Next Meeting- We will need to discuss Red Wagon, our social protocols, and our new projects. The next meeting will be held on Friday, November 10, 2023, at 11:00 AM. 

Prayer requests were made for Joyce Orr, who passed 3 years ago, Marion Flowers, 4-year-old Aurora, who has leukemia, and for a family whose parents and child are estranged.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:15 PM.


Respectfully Submitted,

Janet Mascaro



September 14, 2023



The meeting was called to order by Suzette Venturini, substituting for President Pam Diulus at 11:20 AM.  The meeting was started by reciting the Christ Child prayer.



               Molly Kelley (Committee Chair) reported that Angel’s Closet would be open six Saturdays this year.  Opening day is October 7 followed by Oct. 14, 21, Nov. 11, 18, and 25.  The time will be 12 Noon to 3:45 PM each date.

               New clients are being researched and include Casa San Jose and St. James Ministry in Wilkinsburg.



               Judy Kern reported that the deadline for the fall newsletter is September 18, 2023.  She indicated that new information is needed.  It was also mentioned as a reminder that the newsletter is put online on our website.  Christchildsocietyofpittsburgh.org



               Charlotte Collins (Committee Chair) reported that the committee filled 75 layettes at the end of July.  Prior to the layette packing there were deliveries made to West Penn Hospital (17), Genesis House (17) and McGee Hospital (25).

               Also, the vinyl bags that have recently been used have not proved to be sturdy and continue to split.  A new source of bag for layettes is being researched.

               Stacey Doepken has found a new contact for knitters in Sewickley to make the blankets for the layettes.  Pam Diulus has a friend who is knitting/crocheting sweaters.



The report may be mailed to all members.  The budget was determined in June for the fiscal year 2023 – 2024.



               Patti Smith (Chair) asked that all address changes be sent to Patti ASAP since a new directory will be printed soon.  She also reported that our membership is more or less stabile standing at 27 active and 11 sustaining.  It was noted we need to develop a way to attract new members which lead to a discussion of new project ideas.



               Gerri Orr (Chair) reported that no requests of Christ Child have been made and recommended this project be inactivated.  This recommendation was tabled.



               As of now this position is open.  There is a possibility that a member has volunteered, but this information needs to be checked. Suzette Venturini will be checking.




               Discussion was opened for the membership to suggest new ideas for projects.  Several were presented and individual members will be researching.

               Carolyn Green is researching doing a monthly diaper drive at different parishes. Mary Anne Gonot is researching the Charlie Batch foundation regarding wrapping presents for children at Christmas. Ellen O’Brien and Patti Smith are researching the possibility of making fleece blankets for child cancer patients being treated with chemotherapy.



               The date for the Christmas Party is December 5 and will be held at Scoglio’s Restaurant in Greentree.  It was decided that members make every effort to bring a friend or two to introduce possible new members to our organization.



               The next meeting will be held Thursday October 12 at 11:00 AM at the Christ Child Center.


                                                                                          Respectfully submitted 


                                                                                          Ellen O’Brien (substitute Secretary)




June 15, 2023

The meeting was attended by Pam Diulus, Janet Mascaro, Carolyn Green, Diane Donovan, Maria Kitay, Jane Orringer, Phyllis Palombo, Joanne Herrmann, Mary Ann Gonot, Theresa Magnotta, Molly Kelley,  Judy Kern, Gerrie Orr, Mary McCormick, and Ellen O’Brien. The meeting began with the recitation of the Christ Child prayer.

No minutes from the March meeting were available.

Treasurer’s Report– No Treasurer’s report was available.

Corresponding Secretary Report– Mary Ann Gonot sent out 40 thank-you cards to those who donated to the Christmas Appeal. Mary Ann Gonot read a Thank-You note from Debbie McCarthy for our contribution of $1000 to Blessings in a Backpack.  She also reported that Lisa Gaydos and Stacy Doepken will send thank you notes to the vendors who donated money or goods to our Red Wagon.

Angels’ Closet– Molly Kelley is anticipating that we will be holding our coat closet on 4 Saturdays only.  Attendance is quite low during the week  due to school, work obligations etc. The time will be 12-4 as we do not want to hold the event at the same time as the Al-Anon meeting which is held at 10-12. 

Newsletter/Directory– Judy Kern has extended the newsletter deadline from June 2nd.  She would like to feature the Red Wagon event and would like committee chairs to provide information for each raffle.

Layettes– Charlotte Collins did not attend.  Nothing to report at this time.

Membership– Patti Smith provided information vis email:

There are dues renewal forms still out.  Please return the forms as soon as possible.

National- There is an email sent every month from National about events occurring.  If you do not receive it, Ellen O’Brien will be happy to send it to you.

Need for new programs to support- A discussion was held with many ideas concerning how we can expand our ministry.  Ideas included donating to the Diaper Bank, having a diaper drive through the church, finding a program for older adolescents, age 13-17, asking for book donations from Half Price Books or Girl Scout Troops, and purchasing a vending machine for books which other CCS chapters have in their stores.  Another suggestion was to  “Ädopt a School” to support. Pam Diulus has asked that we obtain information on various ministries and contact numbers for the next meeting.

Red Wagon– A general discussion about Red Wagon for next year was held.

1. A date was set at the Field Club for 4/27/2024.

  1. The room fee will increase from $1450.00 to $3000.00 even with having a sponsor which is currently Connie Kuntz.
  1. Maria Kitay brought up the possibility of another venue, the Chadwick, which is in Wexford.
  1. Ellen O’Brien felt that many people attended our event because of the venue and she does not want the CCS to give that up. She feels that ticket prices will need to increase to cover the cost and suggested at least $60.00.
  1. Gerrie Orr agreed that people are used to going there since that has been our venue for years. She looked into other country clubs and most do not have the scenic location and have steps to enter.
  1. Judy Kern and MaryAnn Gonot made the point that everybody’s prices have increased and that attendees rave about the Field Club.
  1. Theresa Magnotta provided a spreadsheet to look at Expenses versus Intake and determined that we lost $13.00 for tickets for meals this year.
  1. A profit of $8530.02 was made this year which is lower than previous years.
  1. Joanne Hermann made the suggestion that perhaps the lunch reservation could include a ticket for the grand raffle or the purse or basket raffle. Joanne also feels that we must do something to encourage more people to attend.
  1. Diane Donovan suggested that we might have a $500.00 free raffle, separate from the others, which each person making a reservation will be automatically entered into.
  1. Pam Diulus summarized that it seems the members want to raise the ticket price, stay at the Field Club venue and give out a raffle ticket of some type. She indicated these should be discussed with next year’s Red Wagon chairperson. 

United in Service Event- This is a National Event in November to honor Mary Virginia Merrick.The theme this year is “Find a Need and Fill It.”  NCSS is asking that we find out where our chapter can fill a gap of need in our community and create a project around it.  A plan is needed and a form describing what we did is due by 12/15/2023.

NCCS Conference- “Share the Vision” will be held in Potomac, Maryland on September 29-30, 2023. Pam Diulus noted that NCCS conferences are very beneficial for obtaining new ideas and she would hope some representatives would attend.

Agenda for Next Meeting- We will be discussing new projects and members are asked to research some ideas and provide contacts.

Prayer requests were made for Baby Clementine, Marlene, a friend and Anita.

Our next scheduled meeting is Thursday, September 7, 2023 at 11:00 AM.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:00 PM.


Respectfully Submitted,

Janet Mascaro




FEBRUARY 16, 2023 

The meeting was attended by Janet Mascaro, Lisa Gaydos, Carolyn Green, Maria Kitay, Jane Orringer, Phyllis Palombo, Joanne Herrmann, Mary Ann Gonot, Theresa Magnotta, Janet Malloy, Marlene MacDonald, Molly Kelley, Charlotte Collins, Judy Kern, and Marion Flowers. The meeting began with the recitation of the Christ Child prayer. 

As Pam Diulus and Suzette Venturini could not attend, Janet Mascaro presided over the meeting and Lisa Gaydos took notes for the minutes. 

Debbie McCarthy, the representative from Blessings in a Backpack, presented her  program to us.  She explained that we could support monetarily and/or help with packings if we choose.  Her current program serves the Riverview School District which is Verona and Oakmont. She passed out literature to everyone with details of the program.  Currently there are 60+ children being provided with food every Friday for the weekend.  She explained that if we would like to donate money, we would send it to the National organization and they would forward her the amount except for 1.5% of the monies which they keep for administrative costs.  After her presentation, it was proposed and voted on that the CCS would donate $1000 and a check was written for that amount.

The question remains as to what level of support we want to continue to give.  It was decided that this should be discussed at a future meeting when Gerrie Orr is present. 

Janet Mascaro read the minutes from the October meeting.  They will be forwarded to all of the members via email. 

Treasurer’s Report– The Christmas Appeal provided $3755.00.  The balance as of January 31, 2023 is $20,740.42. CCS received a letter to renew our tax exempt staus which Marlene will take care of. In line with being tax exempt, Molly Kelley will check at the post office as to whether we can get a discount on postage. 

Corresponding Secretary Report– Mary Ann Gonot sent out 40 thank-you cards to those who donated to the Christmas Appeal. 

Angels’ Closet– Molly Kelley reported that we provided 159 coats and 145 books to children this year.  The number is somewhat lower than previous years perhaps due to so many other organizations providing coats at the same time.  Angel’s Closet also received a donation of 35 coats from Knights of Columbus. 

Newsletter/Directory– Judy Kern has not sent out a newsletter yet because there has not been much information to report.  She does have pictures from the Christmas party which will be put into the next newsletter in March, which will also highlight Red Wagon. 

Layettes– Charlotte Collins delivered 20 bags to Genesis House.  She is also going to take the bins of children’s clothes that are stored in our CC room and donate them to St. Vincent DePaul 

Membership– Patti Smith provided information vis email:

Dottie Gloniger sadly has passed away.

From the roster sent to National, all that haven’t paid dues were past members who

didn’t respond to multiple attempts to get in touch.

Delores Delserone & Phyllis Dombroski chose not to remain members.

Ceil McCabe has also passed. 

World Youth Empowerment– Since we are revising our ministries, a decision was made to stop supporting this organization for a number of reasons.  Also, they are already supported by a large national organization. 

Publicity– Maria Kitay will work on revising our brochure once our ministries are confirmed.  Red Wagon information will be put on the website and Facebook as details are confirmed. 

Red Wagon– A general discussion about Red Wagon details was held. It was noted that there will be a meeting of all Red Wagon Chairpersons at Panera’s in Oakland on March 2, 2023 at 12:00 Noon.  The following points were made: 

  1. 1.  No Save the Date cards as it is too late.  Invitations should go out right after the March 2 chairperson meeting and no later than mid-March according to Marion Flowers and Mary Ann Gonot who do the invites. 
  1. The ladies picked a theme of “Red Wagon Spring Fling.” They want a variety of pastel table cloths in light pink, light green and yellow.  Same with the napkins. 
  1. Maria Kitay is looking into potted plants as centerpieces so she’ll have that information on the 2nd. 
  1. Judy Kern has offered to look into getting the invitations printed.  We do have a cute one from the last time we did Spring, so she is going to try to modify that one. She will provide more information at the chairperson meeting. 
  1. There will have to be a decision of luncheon price and ticket price.  Some members thought we may have to raise the cost of the tickets to cover the expenses as food prices have gone up in general. That will need to be determined at the chairperson’s meeting after we have the menu pricing from the Field Club. 
  1. Five purses were promised from members.  We have a promise of 9-10 bottles of liqueur or wine for the basket of cheer. 
  1. Gerrie Orr has 11 door prizes and Judy Kern has 5 more. 
  1. Theresa needs the list of who signed up for baskets at the Christmas party. We don’t have a count without that list. 
  1. Stacy Doepken and Lisa Gaydos sent out 65 donation letters and will follow up with phone calls next week.  After the donations are in, Janet Mascaro will get the list of vendors into the program to thank them.  Once the program is complete, Janet will forward it to Judy Kern for printing. 
  1. Judy Kern is planning a newsletter in March after the meeting and she will need written input/articles concerning Red Wagon from the chairpersons. 
  1. Money raffles weren’t discussed except that we need to check tickets for the 50-50 and tickets for the grand raffle. 
  1. The question arose as to whether we would be doing a Silent Auction and who would chair. 
  1. Finally, there is no general meeting scheduled in March and the members feel we definitely need one so people can get their donations in.

There were no prayer requests submitted.  The meeting was adjourned at 12:25 PM.






Respectfully Submitted,

Janet Mascaro




OCTOBER 27, 2022


          The meeting began with the recitation of the Christ Child prayer.

Stacy Doepken introduced her friend Lisa Gaydos and Maria Kitay introduced her friend, Jane Oringer.  Both of these ladies are interested in becoming members of the Christ Child Society.

Janet Mascaro noted that we need to have an updated membership form for the website.  She and Ellen O’Brien are the administrators for Facebook. 

Janet explained the Red Wagon in response to a question from Lisa Gaydos.  The Red Wagon Fare is scheduled for April 29, 2023. 

Minutes of the previous meeting were read by Suzette Venturini.  There were no corrections to the minutes. 

It was noted that Gretchen Coyne’s husband has passed on as well as Ann Hart’s husband.  These had both been noted in the minutes of August 11, 2022.    

Corresponding Secretary

          Mary Ann Gonot indicated that information is listed in the newsletter.

The new budget was distributed to all members.  We no longer assist with Camp Aim.  A motion to approve the budget was made by Maria Kitay and seconded by Janet Mascaro.  The motion passed. 

          The brochures need to be updated.  Maria Kitay offered to be on this committee. 


          Judy Kern has received an estimate from Kreider.  It will cost approximately $200 for 500 copies of the directory.  We have 39 members.  The members were in agreement with this cost.  She will publish the directory soon.

          Judy asked all members to check their information on the lists she had, including their personal information and the committees to which they belonged.  She will need personal information for Lisa and Jane. 


Twenty-five layettes will be delivered to Magee-Women’s.  Stacy offered to deliver them.

          Charlotte reported she will deliver the large blue bins of clothes to Genesis.  Pam Diulus delivered 5 layettes to Mary House.  They are working on a contact for West Penn Hospital.


There are two new members.  We have 12 sustaining members.  Dues are due by May 31. 

Backpacks for Hunger

Gerri Orr reported that there is no change.  She is still waiting for a call to come for packing.  Maria Kitay asked if we can bring items.  Gerri indicated that they receive food from Giant Eagle and the food bank.  Gerri does not see us getting back in to do packing.  Maria Kitay noted that Shaler Elementary has a backpack program.  We could donate goods to them, however, we cannot volunteer to pack.  Janet Mascaro noted that her church has a backpack program as well.  They need monetary donations to purchase food.  Mary Ann Gonot noted that there is $4,000 in the budget for Backpacks for Hunger.  Gerri will check if Backpacks for Hunger is in need of monetary donations.  Janet noted that there are other programs to which we could donate as well in order to spread out our donations. 

World Youth Empowerment

We support them monetarily.  Molly Kelley noted that Volunteers of America runs this organization and she feels we should not donate to a national organization.  Janet Mascaro suggested that we review the groups to which we donate.

Red Wagon

Mary Ann Gonot and Marian Flowers will handle reservations.  Gerri Orr will take care of door prizes.  Janet Mascaro will handle the publicity on Facebook and the website.  Gerri Orr noted that the Bureau of Charitable Organizations requires that all states must have a specific state license to sell liquor at an event.  Janet Mascaro noted that we are under the auspices of the Diocese of Pittsburgh with regard to this.

Theresa Magnotta and Chris McCarthy will handle baskets and Janet Mascaro and Carolyn Green will take care of purses.

Judy Kern will send letters by e-mail to all members including a list of items that we need.   Stacy Doepken and Lisa Gaydos offered to prepare cards that can be sent to all vendors requesting donations.  Suzette Venturini will provide Stacy with a list of vendors that have been solicited in the past. 

Pam Diulus reported on the National Conference which she and Mary Ann Gonot attended.  The main thrust was in growing membership and thinking outside the box to increase membership.  Our Christ Child Society chapter received a 30 year certificate at the Conference.

The Christmas Party will take place at Sgolio’s in Greentree on December 7, 2022.

Installation of Stacy Deopken

The blessing and presentation of the medal was conducted for new member Stacy Doepken by President Pam Diulus.  Afterward, all members recited the Christ Child prayer.

The meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Suzette Venturini

Recording Secretary




AUGUST 11, 2022 

           The meeting began with the recitation of the Christ Child prayer. 

          Minutes from the Zoom meeting in April were read by Mary Ann Gonot.

          The Treasurer’s report was given by Marlene MacDonald.  There was $23,142 at the end of March 2022.  Copies of the Treasurer’s report for July 2022 were distributed to all members present.  The beginning balance for July was $24,508.81.  Disbursements totaled $127.81, and total deposits were $195.00.  The ending balance for July was $24,576.00.

          Total income from the Red Wagon was $18,720.00 including a $1,000.00 donation from Paul Saville, with $8,846 in expenses, leaving a profit of $9,873.00.

          Mary Ann Gonot reported that there were $500.00 in memorials, mostly from the McCabe family. 

          It was noted that Gretchen Coyne’s husband has passed on and that Ann Hart’s husband passed on last week.

Angel’s Closet

          Molly Kelley thanked everyone for their donations.  She is concerned that many of the families we serve may not be vaccinated.  We can wear masks and ask the children to wear them also.  She is anticipating beginning the closet with one Thursday in November.  We will have distribution on three Saturdays. 

          At this point in the meeting, new member Stacy Doepken arrived.

          Judy Kern reported that she is working on the new member book and will need information from Patti Smith.  She will send drafts to Patti and to Pam Diulus for their review.  Judy noted that the newsletter has not been published for a while.   She is planning to publish in late September or early October.  Please let her know of any news.  The newsletter should be published three times a year.

          Judy asked that the minutes be prepared as soon as possible after the meeting so that they can be distributed to members in a timely fashion.  Suzette Venturini will send the minutes to Pam Diulus for review and Pam will send them to all members.  Janet Mascaro will put the minutes on the website.  Janet includes the newsletter, minutes, and dates to remember on the website.

          Janet Mascaro noted that it is a good idea to have a schedule of meetings.  It was decided to have a meeting every other month on the third Thursday of the month.  Therefore, upcoming meetings will take place in October 2022, December 7, 2022 (which is the Christmas party), February 2023, April 2023, and June 2023.


          Twenty layettes were delivered to Genesis in April.  A picture of what is in the layettes has been sent to National.  Pam Diulus will take 25 layettes to Mary’s Place in Brookline.  She will also contact hospitals to determine their needs.         

          Janet Mascaro reported that the lady who was knitting in Zelienople has passed on.  There is no one left in Zelienople to knit.  Janet has brought in two bags of the knitted blankets, which Carolyn Green picked up.  It was discussed that we could perhaps offer swaddler blankets rather than the knitted ones. Charlotte Collins has a woman in her neighborhood with a group who is knitting, and Charlotte is requesting additional money in her budget. She reported that approximately 100 layettes are distributed per year.

          Patti Smith reported that there are 25 active and 12 sustaining members.  She has been unable to reach Connie Kunz, Mary Jane Diamantopulos (she will check with Mary Jo Kelly about Mary Jane), or Joan Driscoll (she will check with Joanne Herrmann about Joan).  Doris Delserone and Phyllis Dombrowski are no longer members. 

          Janet Mascaro reported that some chapters have ongoing projects throughout the year, and this is something that many members would like to see.  Stacy Doepken noted that she is successful in soliciting donations.  Janet noted that we have received donations of books.  There was also mention of donations that we receive for Red Wagon. 

Backpacks for Hunger

          Gerri Orr indicated that she has an e-mail list for when Lisa Boden opens up the program to other volunteers.  Donations can still be made to Lisa for their program.  The food bank is also involved.  There is also a program in the North Hills, but they are only letting a certain number of individuals work.  Shaler has a program.  Donations can be made to them, but the packing is done elsewhere.  Gerri noted that we could start our own program, but it would be very labor intensive.  It would need to be done every week or every other week, which is why we previously decided to assist them rather than start our own program.  Stacy Doepken asked about collecting backpacks for school.  Pam Diulus suggested taking on a backpack drive in the spring.  We have sufficient funds to do so and to also support the food collection.  A motion was made by Janet Mascaro to conduct a backpack drive in the spring, seconded by Patti Smith, and approved by the members.

World Youth Empowerment

          This is an after school program in Sharpsburg.  Joanne Herrmann is a regular volunteer.  Christ Child has donated funds and sweatshirts.


          We do not have a chair at this time, but we have a facebook page.  Former chair, Carole Gilardi, is now a sustaining member. 

Liaison to NCCS

          Ellen O’Brien reported that we are part of a national network.  The national convention will take place this year in Arizona from September 15-17.  Tomorrow is the deadline for making a reservation at the hotel.  Ellen encouraged members to attend, as it is a rewarding experience.  Pam Diulus is considering attending.

Red Wagon

          We have a date for the Red Wagon of November 19, 2022, however, that seems to be coming up too soon.  Janet Mascaro will contact the Field Club for dates for next spring and fall and will cancel the date of November 19.  Suzette Venturini has volunteered to chair the Red Wagon.  Gerri Orr indicated that she will handle the door prizes for the event.

          Ellen O’Brien suggested writing a Christmas appeal letter which includes the costs to prepare layettes and to conduct the Angel’s Closet.  It can be sent around the time of Thanksgiving to all names on the Red Wagon list.  A motion for this letter of appeal was made by Diane Donovan, seconded by Charlotte Collins, and approved by the membership.

          The next meeting was scheduled for October 20, 2022.  At that time, Stacy Doepken will be installed as a new member.

          Requests for prayers were made by a number of the members and a prayer was recited by all present.

          The meeting adjourned at 1:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Suzette Venturini

Recording Secretary




APRIL 21, 2022

The meeting was opened by President Pam Diulus with recitation of the Christ Child prayer.

The Treasurer’s report was given by Marlene MacDonald.   The ending balance for March, 2022  was $23,142.56.  The final profit reported for Red Wagon was $9,673.19.

Pam Diulus reported that our CC chapter has received a grant for books from the NCCS.


Charlotte Collins reported that 96 layettes were packed.  If anyone has names for whom layettes could be provided, please give them to Charlotte.


Patti Smith is sending out requests for dues from members.  At this time we have one new member.

Youth Empowerment Program

Joanne Hermann indicated that there was not much information to report.   The program does have a new director.

Chapter Liaison to NCCS

Ellen indicated there was nothing to report and that she will get in touch with National.

Red Wagon

Janet Mascaro reported that a date has been tentatively set for November 19, 2022 which is a week before Thanksgiving and the only date which was available in the Fall. Since that time is not optimal, the date may possibly be moved to May with a letter in December asking for donations.

The next meeting date will be May 19, 2022 at 11:00 AM.

Prayer Requests were made for Patti Smith’s husband; for Benjamin, a 6 year old child with special needs who passed away; and for Father Sargotta who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

Respectfully submitted,

MaryAnn Gonot




AUGUST 19, 2021


The meeting opened with recitation of the Christ Child prayer.

The minutes were read and approved.

The treasurer’s report was distributed to the members.  The budget for fiscal year 2021 was approved.

Corresponding Secretary

Nothing to report.


Nothing new to report.  We should probably do new name tags.  Pam Diulus will check on what we have.

Angel’s Closet

It may not be a good idea to distribute coats in person and have the children trying on each other’s coats. The food pantry in Brookline is in need of coats.

All of Us Care

This is now called Youth Empowerment.  There is a new person in charge.  Joann Hermann will contact this person to obtain more information.  They received a government grant in a sizeable amount.  Should we still allot $1,000 for them?

Backpacks for Hunger

Gerri Orr remains in touch with the woman in charge.  They are trying to come up with a safe way to get together to pack by October 1.


Judy Kern is asking for information for the Newsletter by August 23.  She and Theresa Magnotta are asking members to sign up for baskets for the Red Wagon.


Sara McMurray from Catholic Charities did a baby shower for 60 unwed mothers.  She will do this annually. They will take any donations.  Genesis of Pittsburgh and Birthright are low on inventory.  Our last deliveries were to hospitals prior to Covid.  We have 17 layettes remaining.  Genesis would like donations of larger size diapers.  They also need cases of sleepers.

Charlotte Collins is asking for someone to take over the knitting ladies in Zelienople.  This would entail buying yarn and picking up blankets.  We need a minimum of 150 blankets per year.


Bob and Fran McFadden who are with Our Lady of the Angels want to make a donation.

Violet Kirsch, a senior at Deer Lakes High School, wants to donate art supplies.  We could donate these to All of Us Care (now Youth Empowerment) or give them out with coats.  Janet Mascaro will forward Violet’s e-mail to Joann Hermann.


Maria Kitay reported that she has not met with anyone regarding Facebook.  She is expecting a list of parishes from Judy Kern.  Maria will write notices for the newsletter.

National Conference

Ellen O’Brien reported that this conference will take place on September 17 and 18.  We are supposed to have a budget for this, so one of the members should attend.  Last year everything was done by Zoom.  It is not clear if that will happen this year.  It will take place in Maryland at the Bethesda Doubletree.  $800 would cover the hotel and registration.  Pam Diulus and Maria Kitay are considering attending.  Ellen will obtain the information and forward it to the members.

Red Wagon

Maria Kitay indicated that she has a story to include in the mini newsletter.  Marian Flowers has 662 raffle tickets for the grand prize raffle.  Janet Mascaro will format the program booklet and send it to Ellen O’Brien for printing.  Gerri Orr is handling door prizes.  In the past we have ordered approximately 250 invitations.  There will be one more meeting prior to the Red Wagon.  Members are asked to bring their donations for the purse raffle and the Basket of Cheer.

Prayer requests were solicited.

The next meeting will take place on Thursday, October 7, 2021.

Respectfully submitted,
Suzette Venturini
Recording Secretary




JUNE 17, 2021


The meeting opened with recitation of the Christ Child prayer. 

Minutes from the previous Zoom meeting were read by Theresa Magnotta. 

The Treasurer’s report was passed out to all members by Marlene MacDonald. 

Angel’s Closet

There was nothing new to report.  There are no good bargains lately for coats, although we have enough coats to get started.  We may do two Saturdays again.  Case San Jose in Beechview may need help in addition to coats.

Camp Aim

Is not open at this time.  Molly Kelly is no longer the liaison.  Maria Kitay offered to take on this role.  School districts pay for the children.  It is not a good time to start it up again.


Information for the newsletter is due August 6, 2021.  Judy Kern suggested that we need to brainstorm regarding obtaining new members.

Second Harvest in Sharpsburg

Bonnie wrote a grant for the Christ Child Society and we received $1,000.


Angie Slocum is no longer a member.  She is now living in Texas.  There are 23 active members and 17 sustaining members.  Mary Ellen Ploeger is a sustaining member.  Dorothy Gloninger, Pat McKenna, Joan Driscoll and Pat DiGiovine are no longer members.

National Day of Service

Ellen O’Brien will be the liaison for this.  It takes place from October 25 to 31.  We will choose one of those days.  We will do something with literacy.

Mary Virginia Merrick’s birthday is November 2.

The Conference will take place on September 17 and 18.  We may want to consider sending at least one member.  It will take place in Maryland.

Maria Kitay offered to take on Publicity.   As chair, she can send out an e-mail to members to remind them to check out the website.  Judy Kern will send a list of parishes to Maria.  Ellen O’Brien suggested checking with pastors regarding putting notices in bulletins.  Janet Mascaro suggested doing a special newsletter prior to the Red Wagon to previous Red Wagon attendees which would include Save the Date cards.  Ellen O’Brien offered to do so.

Red Wagon

Janet Mascaro provided a list of discussion points for the Red Wagon.  Our theme is “Now Give Thanks – We are Back”.  Ellen O’Brien is handling the printing of the program booklet, Gerri Orr has door prizes, and Marian Flowers is handling the mailing.   Members donating gift baskets, purses and gift cards should sign the donation sheets.  Molly Kelley indicated that the Basket of Cheer will be limited to wine and liqueurs.  Suzette Venturini brought a silk flower arrangement which can be used as a center piece and which looks very nice in the red wagons.  She also brought some red netting and small plastic cups which can hold wrapped candies and which the members can make for favors.  Other issues to be discussed include solicitations, silent auction, lunch menu, arrival time for lunch, entertainment (games), money raffles, and reservations and registrations, volunteers, colors for tablecloths and napkins, and invite to Fr. Moeller.

The next meeting is scheduled for 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, August 19, 2021.  There will also be a meeting on October 7, 2021.  This will be our last meeting prior to the Red Wagon.

Respectfully submitted,
Suzette Venturini




FEBRUARY 18, 2021 

           The meeting opened with recitation of the Christ Child prayer. 

          Judy Kern noted that 15 people want a hard copy of the newsletter.  If we obtain copies from Banksville Printers, the minimum number that can be printed is 50.  Judy will check on prices.  

          Janet Mascaro has scheduled November 6, 2021, as a tentative date for the Red Wagon.  

          Charlotte Collins has delivered 20 layettes to Mary Catherine Scanlon at People Concerned for the Unborn Child.  Pam Diulus will talk to Theresa Magnotta about delivering to hospitals.  Genesis is in need of sleepers and diapers.  Charlotte takes larger sizes to Genesis.  

          Patti Smith reported that dues are due no later than May 19.  She will send out a letter in April which will include an envelope with her return address.  

          Janet Mascaro reported that members should take Protecting God’s Children workshop and can obtain information by going to diopitt.org.  She also reported that we will need to update our brochures in the next 1-2 years.  

          Gerri Orr reported on Backpacks for Hunger. She contacted Lisa who indicated that they are not doing anything at this time.  Once they are up and running again, she will contact Gerri.  There was discussion about having a line item in the Backpacks budget as a memorial for Joyce Orr.  Mrs. Mascaro indicated that the Backpacks and legacy for Joyce should be separate – if Backpacks were to go defunct, we would still have legacy for Joyce.  

          Mrs. Mascaro indicated that a budget should be done beginning July 1, 2021.  Pam Diulus reported that our beginning budget is $25,307.94 and the ending budget is $24,769.84 with $538.00 in payments.  Amount in the money market is $12,021.00.  Currently, we are spending more than we are taking in.  It was noted that our rent is eating up the budget.  Programs should not spend if at all possible.  

          All of Us Care is not open.  

          The next general meeting will take place on March 11, 2021, via Zoom or another platform such as Google meet. 

Respectfully submitted,
Suzette Venturini
Recording Secretary




NOVEMBER 24, 2020


          The meeting was opened by President Pam Diulus with the recitation of the Christ Child prayer. 

          Minutes of the previous meeting on October 6, 2020 were read by Recording Secretary, Suzette Venturini.  The minutes were approved as read.

          The Treasurer’s report was given by Marlene McDonald.  She indicated that the figures for November were not yet completed, but from November 1 until today, the ending balance for November was $21,234.82.  The beginning balance for October was $11,830.06 and the ending balance was $21,234.82.  Receipts for October included $7,305.00 for the Red Wagon, $2,730.00 for Joyce Orr, and $330.61 from the United Way.

          Corresponding Secretary, Mary Ann Gonot, reported that cards were sent for Joyce Orr, and that lists of donors were sent to Don Orr. 

Angel’s Closet

          Seven agencies sent lists of children needing coats.  Two hundred twenty-three coats have been distributed.  Molly Kelley has contacted agencies a second time but has not heard from them.  She may try to contact them again.  Last year over 400 coats were distributed.  We will be getting another monetary donation from St. Bonaventure.  Mrs. Kelley indicated that we are short on some sizes, although we do not have any requests at this time.  Sizes needed are boys sizes 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 14, 16.  You may be able to find coats on sale for $15.00.  Ellen O’Brien, Janet Mascaro, Maria Kitay, and Molly Kelley distributed coats on one occasion, Molly Kelley did several distributions herself, and she and Mrs. O’Brien did a distribution for Genesis (gave them 10 coats).  Mrs. Diulus asked that Mrs. Kelley send out an e-mail about sizes needed.

Camp Aim

          There is nothing to report on Camp Aim.

Newsletter and Directory

          Judy Kern reported that information for the next newsletter is due by February 5, 2021.

Backpacks for Hunger

          Gerri Orr reported that she had reached out to Lisa but has not had a reponse; she will try again after the holiday.  Ms. Orr asked if a line item for Backpacks can be put into the budget.  We will discuss this at the next Board meeting.  Mrs. Mascaro indicated that we had discussed supporting them monetarily but that we have never given them a monetary donation.  Ms. Orr reported that it looks as though they are working with local food banks.

CCS Chapter Liaison to NCCS

          Mrs. O’Brien has nothing to report.  Mrs. Diulus indicated that she completed the report for the Day of Service.

Raffle Wrap up

          Mrs. Mascaro indicated that we netted over $7,000 with the raffle.

          She also indicated that we have an April date booked for the next Red Wagon but that we can change that to another date in the fall if necessary. 

Website Update

          Mrs. Mascaro noted that she puts the minutes and newsletter on the website.  She has also put on some pictures as well as information about the Day of Service. 

Somehow Saints

          We will table this for now.

          Gifts for the Conroy Center were discussed.  Mrs. Kitay will check with one of the teachers and get back to us.  She believes this will be on hold for this year. 

Prayer Requests

          Mrs. Mascaro’s son Chris and daughter-in-law Katy have Covid.  Marian Flowers’ niece Michelle has colon cancer.  The membership recited a prayer for them. 

          The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. 

Respectfully submitted,
Suzette Venturini
Recording Secretary


The meeting was opened by President Pam Diulus with the recitation of the Christ Child prayer. 

          Former President Janet Mascaro previously sent an e-mail summarizing the Zoom meeting on August 20, 2020, and included a 2020-21 budget, an agenda for the meeting, and a copy of the Officer Installation Ceremony, since minutes had not been taken by Recording Secretary Suzette Venturini.

          The Treasurer’s report was given by Marlene MacDonald.  The beginning September balance was $7,820,81.  Payments made totaled $667.87, with deposits totaling $5,150.00, which included a $5,000.00 donation from Paul Saville, son of Althea Saville.  The ending balance for September was $12,302.94.  Ellen O’Brien suggested using this donation for the Red Wagon. 

Newsletter and Directory

          Judy Kern reported that she has sent out the newsletter and has prepared the membership directory.  There was some discussion as to whether to deliver some of the directories or mail all of them.  Mary Ann Gonot suggested that we mail all directories even if it costs $1.40, $1.50 or $1.60.  The consensus was that we should mail them.  Pam Diulus will purchase padded envelopes at the Dollar Store.  Mrs. Kern asked that any information for the next newsletter be sent to her by November 6.


          Charlotte Collins indicated that nothing has been done with regard to layettes but purchases can now be made since we have received some monies.  Mrs. Collins indicated that she will have to order all merchandise and noted she might be looking at December or January to do a layette packing.  She suggested that if the ladies do not feel comfortable assembling for a packing, perhaps only four ladies could assemble to pack on a number of occasions.  This could take six to eight weeks.  She will send an e-mail to the committee.  She has taken 20 layettes to Genesis House.  She indicated that some places do not want to take any items from outside sources.  Mrs. Collins indicated that there is no rush to do any packing.  Pam Diulus will contact hospitals to see if they want any layettes.  Marion Flowers reported that Mary Catherine Scanlon needs 20 layettes, but would be ok with 15 of them. 

Angel’s Closet

          Molly Kelley noted that she will need the room at the Center for at least the next two weeks for the Angel’s Closet.  Mercy Behavioral Health sent a letter requesting coats and Mrs. Kelley has promised them 100 coats – we provided 170 coats to them last year.  Mrs. Kelley has contacted the two largest groups and they will send in their master lists.  The Knights of Columbus has a program called Coats for Kids – they will be giving their coats to us – approximately 60 coats – this could be an ongoing arrangement.  It was noted that this arrangement could be used as a way for us to participate in the Day of Service which will take place from October 25 to October 31.  Geraldine on the North Side is in desperate need of coats.  Sizes will be put together and then those requesting them will come to pick them up and will distribute them.  No children will come to the Center to try on coats.  Mrs. Kelly asked for two volunteers to assist with this – Mrs. Mascaro and Mrs. O’Brien offered to assist.  Maria Kitay offered to purchase sizes that are needed, and she and Mrs. Collins have also offered to assist with putting together sizes. 


          Patti Smith reported that there are 50 regular members and 12 sustaining members.  We have lost four members.  Mary Jo Kelly and Mary Jane Diamantopulos have become sustaining members.  Mrs. Smith thanked Mrs. Kern for her assistance with membership.  Mrs. Kern offered to send a copy of the membership to Mrs. Venturini. 

Backpacks for Hunger

          Gerri Orr reported that Joyce Orr has opted for home hospice today.  This news was received with sadness and much concern by the members.

          Ms. Orr reported that she and Joyce Orr have not been attending the packings since it is difficult to social distance.  The group has ten individuals that have been doing this for a long time, and Ms. Orr has indicated that she will take a back seat. 


          There is nothing to report.


National News

          Mrs. O’Brien reported that the Conference was very well put together and information is included on the national website.  She will make an inquiry as to who is our liaison.  Mrs. Mascaro noted that she did not find any information about the Convention on the national website. 

Red Wagon

          For the virtual basket and purse raffle, $3,670.00 in tickets have been purchased, $1,765.00 in donations have been received, as well as a $5,000 donation from Paul Saville.  Mrs. Mascaro suggested that we video the picking of the tickets and then post it on facebook and on the website.  As the new President, Mrs. Diulus should pull the winning tickets.  Winners will be pulled on October 24 at 1:00 p.m.  Everyone who has a basket or purse should have their items to the Center by 11:00 on that day.  Mrs. O’Brien offered to assist with transporting items to the Center.  All winners should be notified by phone.  Members who know the winners can assist with delivery to the winners.

          Mrs. Diulus will send out information about the next meeting date.  It was suggested that we do another Zoom meeting and then reassess after that time.

          The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Suzette Venturini

Recording Secretary


The meeting was called to order by President Janet Mascaro who opened the meeting with recitation of the Christ Child prayer. 

          President Janet Mascaro thanked Joyce Orr and Gerri Orr for providing lunch for today’s meeting.

          Minutes from the meeting of November 21, 2019 were read by Suzette Venturini.  The minutes were approved as read.

          The Treasurer’s report was given by Diane Donovan.  Copies were provided to all in attendance.

          Mrs. Mascaro reported that we will soon have a membership drive.  Some monies are coming in, though.

          Mary Ann Gonot sent thank you’s to St. Bonaventure for donations of games and crafts and to Sacred Heart for children’s books. 


          Patti Smith reported that she contacted Cele McCabe who wishes to remain as a sustaining member.  Madeleine Steinman will send a donation.  Jean Katarincic’s husband has passed on.


          Carole Gilardi has made a number of contacts: the calendar of events and parish news sections of the Pittsburgh Catholic; the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette’s social calendar; the Oakmont-Plum digital newsletter; and facebook.  She has also prepared letters for the membership to take to their parishes.  In 1993 the Bishop recognized the Christ Child Society as an official organization, and Carole has bookmarks available to give to parishes.  There was an article in the Verona News concerning the Christ Child Society’s ministries with Verona members involved.

Angel’s Closet

          It was reported that Angel’s Closet is over budget.  Mrs. Donovan indicated that we may be able to increase the budget.  We passed out 412-416 coats.  It was suggested that we do three Saturday distributions, as we gave out more coats on Saturday, however, will we have a sufficient number of volunteers to do so?  Mrs. Mascaro suggested that if we find coats, we could wait until July 1, the beginning of the new fiscal year, to submit receipts for reimbursement.  We need sizes 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12 and 14. 


          In Judy Kern’s absence, Mrs. Mascaro reported that the newsletter will be coming out in early May.  She needs committee news and information on the Red Wagon.  Information should be sent in prior to May 4. 


          One hundred ten layettes were packed.

Backpacks for Hunger

          Mrs. Joyce Orr reported that they could use some help.  Mrs. Mascaro noted that at the board meeting in March we will decide how to support them.

All of Us Care

          It was reported that they are very appreciative of the sweatshirts and toys which we donated.  One of the members asked why they do not come to us for coats, and Pam Diulus noted that there is another organization in Sharpsburg which gives out coats.

          Mrs. Mascaro reported on donations.  Crafts and games from St. Bonaventure were given to All of Us Care.  All Saints may be donating coats – they are doing a drive for Lent; they may also do a drive for wipes and diapers.  Sacred Heart girl scouts donated books.  St. Juan Diego will hold a prayer service and Mrs. Mascaro will attend and bring donation forms and brochures.

          Mrs. Mascaro’s husband was able to obtain new aprons for purchase and for sale to members.


          Pam Diulus – President

          Mary Ann Gonot – will remain as Corresponding Secretary

          Suzette Venturini – will remain as Recording Secretary

          We are still in need of a Vice President and Treasurer.  We will need to know who will take these offices by the March meeting.  The past President remains on the Board.  We could have a luncheon for installation at Scoglio’s, possibly on May 28 or June 11.  Fr. Mohler would perform the prayer service. 

Red Wagon

          There will be no outside vendors.  There is $200.00 budgeted for centerpieces and $125.00 for favors.  Hepatica will do the centerpieces.

          The next meeting was scheduled for March 19, 2020.


Respectfully submitted,

Suzette Venturini



President Janet Mascaro opened the meeting with recitation of the Christ Child prayer. 

          Minutes from the September 19, 2019 meeting were read by Suzette Venturini.  The minutes were approved as read.

          The treasurer’s report was given by Diane Donovan.  Copies were provided to all in attendance. 

          Corresponding secretary Mary Ann Gonot reported that Rose Plotnicki and Mary Ann’s husband are both in the hospital. 

          Angel’s Closet – Janet Mascaro reported that for this year, we have surpassed the number of coats given out last year at the Angel’s Closet and that this year has been our best so far.  Patti Smith noted that there was an article in the Pittsburgh Catholic about a group which gives out coats, but not as many as we do, and suggested that we try to get an article in the Catholic as well.  St. Bonaventure is also distributing coats.  Members were asked to purchase coats if they see them on sale.

          Directory and Newsletter – The new directory will be coming out after the meeting in June and the newsletter in early January.

          Layettes – Charlotte Collins reported that they will be doing a layette packing on January 27, 2020.  They hope to do 100 layettes.  None have been delivered since the last meeting.  Joanne can provide diapers.  They are in need of baby wipes.  All Saints’ CCD program collects for this – they give out diapers and wipes – we will go to their Thanksgiving collection. 

          Patti Smith is the new membership chair.  She contacted Cele McCabe who will send in her check for membership.  Patti will continue to contact Jean Katarincic and Madeleine Steinman.  Janet Mascaro pointed out that we should not be paying a portion of dues to National for non-attending members.

          All of Us Care – we will donate sweatshirts and warm clothing – we have a lot of items from My Stuff Bags.  Joanne Hermann ordered 40 sweatshirts from Amazon at a cost of $500.  All of Us Care could use help with wrapping for the kids.  All of Us Care is now being called the Youth Empowerment Program of Sharpsburg.  Janet Mascaro sent a list of requested games and crafts for All of Us Care to St. Bonaventure’s Ladies of Charity. 

          Backpacks for Hunger – Joyce Orr and Gerri Orr attended an evening packing.  There were some Girl Scouts there doing community service.  Gerri and Joyce suggested that in the future we can take on a small project, but for now, we will help them with packings.  Possibly we can get some sponsors.  Items are delivered to guidance counselors or social workers.  This will replace My Stuff Bags.  We would like to show consistent support by having some of us help with packings.  Ellen O’Brien suggested that we can inform the folks at Backpacks for Hunger of what the Christ Child Society does.  It was suggested that we will revisit what we will do for Backpacks for Hunger at our February meeting.  Judy Kern suggested publishing their packing schedule in our newsletter.

          Christmas gifts for Conroy Center – Janet Mascaro indicated that we will probably get gifts for special needs kids ages 16-18.  We will use My Stuff Bags budget.  Janet and Diane Donovan will do the shopping.

          Red Wagon


          –        Silent Auction – Pam Diulus and Mary Ann Gonot

  • Program – Ellen O’Brien and Janet Mascaro
  • Reservations – Mary Ann Gonot and Marian Flowers
  • Ticket sales – Ellen O’Brien
  • Baskets – Theresa Magnotta, along with Judy Kern
  • Centerpieces – Doris Delserone
  • Door Prizes – Gerri Orr and Joyce Orr
  • Purse Raffle – Janet Mascaro and Carolyn Green

          Janet Mascaro indicated that we did not make much from vendors last year, and that we should get a commitment from vendors regarding a percentage. Patti Smith indicated that we did not make much from baked goods either. 


          Pam Diulus and Suzette Venturini will hold a Red Wagon meeting with the committee chairpersons.

          Ellen O’Brien reported that our facebook page can be accessed at Christ Child Society of Pittsburgh.org.

          Ellen reported on the National Conference which she attended.  There was a presentation made by a lady who discussed the importance of reading to your children.  Ellen noted that there is a value in connecting with those from other chapters and encouraged members to consider attending a conference and convention.  There is an opportunity shop where delegates spent a total of $5,000.  Conventions take place every two years; next year it will be in Tucson.  In the past we have budgeted for two members to attend.  Conferences and conventions each take place every other year.  Ellen brought from the convention – Saints Everywhere – Travels in Search of the Lady Saints; Early Years of Christ Child Society; and materials from the National Conference of September 27 and 28, 2019.

          Prayers were requested for member Pat Schimmel and for a friend of Marian’s.

          The meeting adjourned at 1:55.


Respectfully submitted,

Suzette Venturini

Recording Secretary




SEPTEMBER 19, 2019

          The meeting began with a presentation on Backpack for Hunger.  Joyce Orr introduced the speaker, Lisa Boden.  Mrs. Boden noted that, although we may not realize it, hunger can be an issue where we live.  One in six children in Western Pennsylvania do not know where their next meal is coming from or if they will have a next meal.  There are so many folks who have very little.  A counselor at Kerr Elementary reported that a child in school asked to take something home for a brother who had not eaten for a while. That spurred the parents in the shool to begin the program. The Backpack for Hunger Program now serves six schools in the areas of Sharpsburg, Blawnox, Indiana Township, O’Hara Township, Aspinwall and Fox Chapel. It provides weekend care bags of nutritious food.  Every other week Fox Chapel Presbyterian Church provides space to pack bags.  Approximately 20 individuals assist every time.  Eight hundred bags are provided every month, both winter and summer.  The program operates year round.  They work to obtain both food and monetary donations.  The food must be non-perishable.  They try to provide healthy but also appealing food.  They provide two lunches and two breakfasts.  They also provide some special diet bags which include gluten free, sugar free, and dairy free items. 

          They are working on adding a pre-school program.  They work with guidance counselors and school nurses.  The packages are double bagged so that other children cannot see what is in the bags.  The community has been very supportive with food and monetary donations.  Mrs. Boden is available to pick up food donations.

          Packings are held every other Monday at 11:30 a.m.  They also have some evening packings.  Please check the website for those dates. 

          President Janet Mascaro opened the meeting at 1:00 p.m. with recitation of the Christ Child prayer.  The first order of business was the installation of new member, Maria Kitay. 

          Minutes from the June 20, 2019 meeting were read by Suzette Venturini.  The minutes were approved as read.

          The treasurer’s report was given by Diane Donovan.  Copies were provided to all in attendance.  Mrs. Mascaro reported that the total in the money market
account is approximately $33,000.  The budget will be based on this figure. 

          Corresponding secretary Mary Ann Gonot presented cards and letters from the following:  Volunteers of America, the family of Ed Daughterty, and the Mellon Library in memory of Mr. Delserone. 

          Publicity chair Carole Gilardi reported that she is unsure if we are getting much publicity from church bulletins for our Red Wagon event.  There is an individual at the Diocese who is supportive of our efforts and she has put Mrs. Gilardi in touch with the individual who sends out information to all parishes.  However, she is not sure that our efforts are paying off.  Mrs. Gilardi asked for ideas as to how we can reverse this trend.  Judy Kern asked if each member could take a letter to their parishes, as the personal touch is always valuable.  Mrs. Mascaro suggested a more formal letter and the use of more social media.  Ellen O’Brien reported that we are not getting any traction with facebook.  However, we have more donations for the Red Wagon, even though we have fewer attendees.  Mrs. Mascaro noted that we will work on e-mails, social media and formal letters.  Mrs. Gilardi is willing to continue as Publicity chair. 

          Molly Kelley reported on Angel’s Closet.  The grand opening will be on, Thursday, October 17, 2019, from 1l:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  The closet will be open on four Thursdays and two Saturdays.  Mrs. Kelly passed out the schedule for the closet:  Thursday, October 24, noon to 5:00 p.m.; Saturday, November 2, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.; Saturday, November 9, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Thursday, November 14, noon to 5:00 p.m. and Thursday, November 21, noon to 5:00 p.m. 

          Mrs. Kelley also reported on Camp Aim.  One hundred fifty children were served.  The money we donated was used to buy a Chromebook.  The Christ Child Society did not do much as a committee.  Camp Aim had so many counselors that they did not need us. 

          Membership chair, Mary McCormick, reported that several individuals did not respond to membership requests.  She will remove the names of those not likely to return as members.  They are:  Margie DiDomenico, Dottie Talarico (as she is moving out of town), and Mary Ann McDermott.  Mrs. McCormick indicated that she would like to step down as membership chair. 

          Mrs. Mascaro indicated that the chairmanships of My Stuff Bags (which will likely become Backpacks for Hunger) and Membership are open.

          Mrs. Kern reported that information is needed for the newsletter which will be coming out on October 7.

          Charlotte Collins reported that another layette packing is not needed at this time.

          In Joanne Hermann’s absence, Mrs. Delserone reported that All of Us Care is spending $100 a day for food.  Meals for 50 children are $2.00 each.  We made a $600 donation to that program.  We are not able to support all meals.  We donate $1,500 per year. They are now buying food and preparing it there rather than using a vendor. 

          Mrs. Mascaro reported that new members can contact her or Pam Diulus for mentoring.

          Mrs. Mascaro noted that My Stuff Bags is no longer a program of Christ Child, although there are still some items of clothing remaining at the Center.  It will likely be replaced by Backpack for Hunger. 

          Information on the proposed budget was presented to the membership.  The budget was approved.

          Mrs. Mascaro reported that National is trying to determine ways to assist chapters and to be more active in their lives.  Mrs. Mascaro suggested that we invite our national liaison to the Red Wagon as a possible speaker.

          It was suggested that Mrs. O’Brien be named as our liaison with the National office.  Mrs. O’Brien will attend the national convention from September 27-28 and will discuss our Book Nook.  Mrs. Gilardi donated some books for children.  Mrs. Mascaro contacted Half Price Books for a donation of 250 books.  Last year they made a donation to us of 300-400 books.  We prefer books geared to smaller children.

          Mrs. Mascaro reiterated that we need a Membership chair.  Joyce Orr and Gerri Orr will chair Backpack for Hunger.  All members are in agreement that we should do something for this program, especially something more active than just making a monetary donation. Joyce Orr would like to disuss how we are going to implement this at a board meeting.

          Co-chairs for the Red Wagon will be Mrs. Diulus and Mrs. Venturini.  Planning will begin at the November meeting when a sign-up sheet for committees will be circulated.

          The next meeting was scheduled for Thursday, November 21, 2019. 

          Prayer requests were as follows;  Patti Smith expressed thanks for prayers
for her son who has been driving since July.  Other requests for prayers were for Mary Ann McDermott, Ellen O’Brien’s 10th great niece who was just born, Molly Kelley for a friend, Karen Kelley, and Judy Kern. 

          The meeting adjourned at 2:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Suzette Venturini

Recording Secretary




JUNE 20, 2019

The meeting was opened by President Janet Mascaro with recitation of the Christ Child prayer.

Minutes from the previous meeting were read by Suzette Venturini.  Minutes were approved as read.

The Treasurer’s report was given by Diane Donovan.   She provided copies to all in attendance.

Camp Aim

Camp Aim will take place from June 10 to July 19.  Prom is mid-July.


Charlotte Collins reported that there are 49 layettes on hand.  These will be used up.  They will probably do a packing in September.  An e-mail will be sent out notifying members.  Mrs. Collins took layettes to Genesis.  They are asking for sleepers.  We have lots of knitted blankets and booties.


Mrs. Mascaro reported that not all dues are in.

My Stuff Bags

There was no activity with My Stuff Bags

All of Us Care

As Joanne Hermann was not in attendance, there was no report on All of Us Care.


Mrs. Mascaro would like to see us do more social media.  Carole Gilardi reported that she would possibly like to step down from chairing this committee.

Two new members were installed:  Dolores Butch and Phyllis Palumbo.

Judy Kern reported that a new directory will be coming out next year in June when we have new officers.  Information on new members will be sent out to update the books and to be put into the newsletter.  Due date for the next newsletter is July 8.

A thank you note was received from Mary Jo Kelly for our donation of $100 to Central Catholic’s scholarship fund in remembrance of her husband, Dick Kelly.

Mary Ann Gonot sent thank you’s to the donors of Red Wagon and to donors in remembrance of Dick Kelly.

Red Wagon

Diane Donovan reported on the income and expenses from the Red Wagon.  Next year’s Red Wagon will take place on April 25, 2020, two weeks after Easter.  Mrs. Mascaro suggested that we do not need too many volunteers, considering the cost to feed them.  Three to four should suffice.  She will look into getting more aprons for new members and volunteers.  We will need a chair for next year’s Red Wagon.

Social Guidelines

Mrs. Mascaro discussed the social guidelines which were brought up at the Board meeting prior to this meeting.  They are as follows:  for a member’s birthday, the corresponding secretary will send a birthday card; for a member’s death, flowers or a memorial donation of $100; for a death in member’s immediate family (son, daughter, mother, father), a memorial donation of $50 will be sent; for the death of a former member, a memorial donation of $50 will be sent.  Flowers will be ordered either by the President or by Charlotte Collins who volunteered to do so.  Memorial donations will be sent by the treasurer.


Upcoming meetings will take place as follows:

September 19, 2019        Lunch provided by Charlotte Collins

November 21, 2019        Lunch provided by Janet Mascaro and Diane Donovan

December 9, 2019          Christmas lunch at Scoglio’s

February 20, 2020          Lunch provided by Joyce Orr and Gerri Orr

March 19, 2020              Lunch provided by Molly Kelley and Carole Gilardi

May, 2020                      Installation lunch for new officers

Information from National

Mrs. Mascaro read questions to the membership provided by National.  How could a chapter liaison person assist your chapter, if needed?  What could National do to be more supportive or available to your chapter?  What do you see as the role of National CCS?  Who on your board is a good contact person for the national liaison person?  Some additional questions:  Should we consider inviting a representative to the Red Wagon?  Would they be willing to come here?  There are resources on their website giving ideas for recruitment.  Mrs. Mascaro reported that the National Convention will take place from September 27-28, 2019.  The Christ Child Society will pay for two members to attend.  Deadline for registration is August 6.

Mrs. Mascaro reported that she and Mrs. Donovan will prepare a budget in July.

New Business

Joyce Orr inquired as to whether we would be interested in providing school lunches during the summer.  It was suggested that she gather more information about this.  We could potentially do this for next year.

A moment of silence was held and a Hail Mary was prayed for our member, Pat Maida, who recently passed on.  Prayers were also requested for Mary Ann McDermott and Cheryl George.

The meeting adjourned at 1:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Suzette Venturini

Recording Secretary




MARCH 21, 2019


President Janet Mascaro opened the meeting with recitation of the Christ Child prayer.

Minutes from the previous meeting were read by Suzette Venturini.

Diane Donovan read the financial report and provided copies to all in attendance.


The CCD of All Saints in Etna donated diapers and other items for the layettes.  Layettes were provided to the following:

15 to PA PCUC

30 to Magee-Women’s Hospital

24 to West Penn Hospital

8 to Genesis.  Also 24 blankets, 24 bottles and 30 sleepers.  In March, 16 layettes and 22 dozen diapers were delivered.

Forbes Maternity declined layettes.

Marian Flowers will take 10-15 layettes to Mary Catherine Scanlon.  Marian has received donations of quilts from a group of friends who knit.  Christ Child will pay for their yarn.

The membership committee reported that we have a new member, Phyllis Palumbo.  Mary McCormick, membership chairperson, is away at the present time and will be returning in April.  Janet Mascaro suggested encouraging friends to join.

My Stuff Bags

Dottie Talarico reported that St. Bonaventure will include us on their Angel Tree.  She will take some items such as toiletries and toys to Genesis.  She requested that we let her know if we are aware of a family in need.  She noted that it is becoming more difficult to deliver items to organizations.  Pat Schimmel suggested contacting social workers at our respective parishes for clothing, books, and toiletries.

All of Us Care

Joanne Herrmann reported that they are engaging high school students as volunteers.  They are also hiring a teacher.  We will be doing an Easter project for them, and Joanne asked for suggestions.


Carole Gilardi prepared press releases to be given to members’ respective parishes regarding the Red Wagon Fare coming up on April 27, 2019 at the Pittsburgh Field Club.  She also sent the press release to the person at the Diocese who is responsible for notifying all parishes.


The Christ Child Society made a donation to the Alzheimer’s Association in honor of Joyce Orr’s mother.  Joyce thanked the members.

Red Wagon

We will have 21 door prizes, the same as last year, and 7 purses.  We can bring donations of money, bottles of cheer, and purses to the meeting.  We have $2,100 in monetary donations to date.  Diane Donovan made a request to spread the word about our organization so that we can increase membership.  She noted that we are putting out more money than we are taking in – at this time, we are not maintaining a balanced budget.  Janet Mascaro indicated that we will be looking at that this coming year.  We have a monthly rental expense of $500 at All Saints.

We will not be able to set up for the Red Wagon the day before, however, we can drop off items on Friday between 1:00 and 2:00 and leave them in the ballroom.

Mary Jo Kelly will contact Barbara Fredette’s family to see if they want to set up a table to sell her photographic cards.  We will have two other vendors – they will give us 15% of their proceeds.

The Red Wagon program will be smaller this year – a 4-sided bi-fold.

We hope to have everything set up by 10:30 on the day of the event.  There will be signage at the credit card table of the prices of tickets for each of the venues.  Mrs. O’Brien suggested having specific ideas of duties for those coming to assist with set up.

Pat Schimmel and Ellen O’Brien will invite their pastors.

Agenda for the day will be as follows:

Welcome by President Janet Mascaro

Lunch at 12:00

Presentation of Ministries

On each table, there will be 20 x your money envelopes

Game – What’s in your purse?”

There will be a 50/50 drawing, baskets of cheer, auction baskets, a grand prize raffle, and a silent auction.  Currently, we have 21 baskets.  Judy Kern expects to make up three baskets from vendor donations.  She asks that we provide her with a list of items in our baskets by April 15.

Favors will be seed packets with the saying, ‘Cultivate a brighter future’.

The National Christ Child Society would like to have pictures of children involved in events.  We now have forms for adults and children if their pictures are published.  Children must have the ok of the parents.

For Founder’s Day, Mrs. Mascaro will send to National pictures from our meeting today.  National is interested in local news.  They would like all chapters to have a link to National on their websites.  We currently have a link on our site.

Prayers were requested for Dominic, Richard, Brett, Karen and Gene.

Mrs. Mascaro expressed thanks to Marian, Molly and Molly’s husband for providing lunch.

The next meeting is scheduled for June 20, 2019.  Suzette Venturini and Dottie Talarico are the hostesses.  The Board meeting will take place at 10:00 a.m. prior to the general meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Suzette Venturini

Recording Secretary




DECEMBER 4, 2018

The meeting opened with recitation of the Christ Child prayer led by President Janet Mascaro.

Suzette Venturini read the minutes from the last meeting.

In the absence of Diane Donovan, Janet Mascaro read the financials.  A check was received for $300 from a group in Ohio via the United Way.

Molly Kelly reported that 343 coats were distributed at the Angel’s Closet this year.  This is our best year since moving to the new location at All Saints.  Mrs. Kelly read a note which was sent from Fr. Frank Almade with which he included an old directory from the Christ Child Society.

Judy Kern noted that the deadline for the January newletter is January 4.

Dottie Talarico is receiving donations from St. Bonaventure and gave them a list of items we can use for Conroy.

Joanne Herrmann reported that All of Us Care can use volunteers, especially over the holidays.  The address is 1650 Main Street, Sharpsburg.  The after school program runs from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m.  They can use help with paperwork.

Mrs. Mascaro indicated that we distributed books at the Angel’s Closet.  She completed a report for National and included pictures of children reading.  Ellen O’Brien donated bookmarks.

Pam Diulus will put together a meeting for new members.

The Red Wagon Fare will take place on April 27, 2019.  Invitations will be sent in March.  Cost is the same as last year.  Door prizes are needed with a value of at least $10.00.  Mrs. Kern asked that all door prize donations be received prior to the March meeting.  We will have 6-7 purses.  In terms of volunteers, we do not yet know if Mrs. Talarico’s grandchildren can assist.  Gerri Orr, Joyce Orr and Suzette Venturini are exploring options for securing volunteers.  Mrs. Diulus has offered to chair the Silent Auction.  Mrs. Kern would like to have the names of all members who will be doing a basket.

Mrs. Mascaro asked members to log hours of volunteer time.  This can include driving to and from and attending meetings.  Hours should include January 2018 to December 31, 2018.  Mrs. Mascaro will include this in a report to National.

The next meeting is scheduled for March 21, 2019.

Respectfully submitted,

Suzette Venturini




SEPTEMBER 19, 2018


President Janet Mascaro called the meeting to order.  She thanked Charlotte Collins, Laura Merzlak and Pat Schimmel for providing today’s lunch.

The Christ Child prayer was recited by the membership.

Suzette Venturini read the minutes from the June 19, 2018 meeting.  The minutes were approved as read.

Diane Donovan gave the financial report.  The beginning balance as of August 2018 was $16,237.88.  Disbursements were $4,512.13.  There were no deposits.  The ending balance as of August 2018 is $10,725.75.  The new budget for fiscal year July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019 was distributed to the members, and they were asked to review it.  Mrs. Mascaro noted that she and Mrs. Donovan removed some line items that have not been used for several years.  This year monies will not be deposited in the month of October due to the Red Wagon Fare being moved to early next year.  If for any reason our chapter would fold, any large amounts of money would go to the National Christ Child Society.

Mary Ann Gonot read a thank you note from Camp Aim for our $1,000 donation.  Molly Kelly passed around thank you notes from the children at Camp Aim.  She also thanked the members who attended the prom, as she was not able to attend.  She reported that there were 180 children and staff to be fed.

Mrs. Kelly reported that Angel’s Closet will open this year on October 11.  The various agencies have been notified.  She passed out schedules to the committee members.  The hours will be noon to 5:00 p.m. on the following weekdays:  October 11, October 18, November 1 and November 8.   The Closet will be open on two Saturdays, October 27 and November 17, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.  November 17 will be the last day of the Closet.  You must have clearances to work.

Judy Kern reported on the newsletter.  The last one was in July and the next one will be in October.  The due date for inclusion of items in the October newsletter is October 5.  The next newsletter will most likely come by e-mail unless you have requested it by regular mail.

Mrs. Kern noted that the last directory was done on June 17.  The next one will be prepared in September 2019.  Mrs. Mascaro raised the question of whether the directory should be done in line with the election of new officers.  Mrs. Kern suggested that we keep the directory as is.  If there are any changes for next year, those can be made.

Charlotte Collins reported on layettes.  Twenty bags were packed on August 29.  Mrs. Collins delivered sixteen bags to Genesis in August, Pam Diulus and Theresa Magnotta delivered 25 to Mercy in August, Marian Flowers delivered 10 to PCUC (People Concerned for the Unborn Child), and Mrs. Mascaro delivered some to the South Hills Interfaith Ministry (SHIM).  It was noted that Mercy can use more.  Mrs. Diulus will contact Magee, Mercy and West Penn in a few months to ascertain their needs.  We have received thank you letters from Genesis and PCUC.

There were no updates with regard to membership.  New members Gerry Orr and Dolores Butch were in attendance today.

My Stuff Bags were delivered to Genesis and to SHIM.  Mrs. Mascaro had received an e-mail from SHIM and she packed up two bags for them to give to little girls.  She also packed up some boys’ items.  We are considering making My Stuff Bags more personalized.

For Christmas, we will be helping Conroy School on the North Side which serves disadvantaged children in the Pittsburgh Public Schools.

With regard to publicity, Carole Gilardi reported that many places no longer provide publicity for non-profits.  She is asking members for suggestions and has passed around a sheet for listing ideas.  She noted that this would give us name recognition but not necessarily provide us with more attendees at the Red Wagon.

Regarding new member mentoring, Mrs. Diulus has sent out an e-mail to new members.  Do we have a list of committees for which new members can sign up?  Mrs. Diulus will continue to work with new members.  She is gathering information on our history and our ministries.

Mrs. Venturini provided some information to Mrs. Mascaro about social guidelines for when a member or a relative of a member dies, goes into the hospital, etc.  We sent Dottie Tallarico a peace plant when her husband recently passed on.

Red Wagon

Flinging into Spring is our theme for the next Red Wagon Fare.  Save the Date cards will be sent out when Ellen O’Brien returns in approximately one week, at the beginning of October.  Invitations will be sent out earlier than usual rather than sending out more Save the Date cards.  Mrs. O’Brien pulled up a picture of the Save the Date cards on her i-pad to show the members.

At this point, there is no one to chair the Silent Auction.  It was noted that we may receive some highend donations which can be used for the Silent Auction.

We want to have classy door prizes for the Red Wagon.  Items should be new and in a box.  Items such as Vera Bradley and picture frames are good choices; all items should be at least $10.00 and up.  We currently have five items; last year we had 21 items.

Regarding purses, we have three which we have purchased.  Members can donate gift cards to put into the purses if they so choose.

There will be a Red Wagon meeting in November.

The main dish at the Red Wagon will be chicken Salerno.

The value of baskets should be at least $100.00.  It was suggested that themes for baskets can be googled.  Lottery trees seem to be popular, and we do not usually have too many.  Gift certificates are also popular.


Mrs. Mascaro thanked Mrs. Tallarico for her efforts regarding the website.  The man originally contracted never did anything with regard to it.  It seems that he has gone out of business.  Mrs. Mascaro called him and received a return call.  She indicated that he owes us $250.00.  He indicated that he would give the information to his accountant.  Mrs. Donovan’s daughter’s boyfriend has done a website for us – CCS of Pgh. org.  It includes our mission, history, all newsletters, officers, donation and membership forms, and an upcoming calendar.  He has charged $500.00.  It will cost $10.00 per month to host and update.  It can be accessed from phones and i-pads.  Please let Mrs. Mascaro know of anything we think should be included on it.

Mrs. O’Brien will attend the Convention and will take layettes with her.  These are presented as gifts at the end of Mass and stay in the host city to be distributed there.

In conjunction with Angel’s Closet, we will be using half-price books instead of utilizing the Scholastic Book Purchasing Program.  We have received approximately 500 books free of charge.

There is a new trac phone which is in Mrs. Kelly’s name.  The number is on the website.  Anyone trying to contact us must answer a math question or else they will get hundreds of spams.

The membership voted on the budget and it was passed.  Mrs. Mascaro asked for hostesses for March and June of next year.

Mrs. Kelly reminded the members to bring their bottles of cheer for the Red Wagon.

Marian Flowers noted that the Fox Chapel Presbyterian Church from which we received a $1,500 donation is holding a Harvest Fare on September 28 and 29.  Address is Field Club and Fox Chapel Roads.

Family Hospice at 50 Moffett Street, Upper St. Clair, is holding a treasure sale on Saturday and Sunday, October 6 and 7.

Gerri Orr gave an update on Joyce Orr.  She is being released from the hospital today.  She will need to take IV antibiotics for ten days.  She had trouble with a maintenance medicine she is being given and got an infection in the port.  She will be homebound for a while.

Prayers were requested for Joyce Orr, Mary Ann McDermott, Pat Maida, Ellen O’Brien’s brother, Bill Hetherington.  Members prayed for these individuals.

The meeting adjourned at 1:32 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Suzette Venturini

Recording Secretary